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F.O.C.U.S. Basketball Clinic


As we were wrapping up the semester and preparing for holiday break last month, our San Pedro Boys & Girls Club hosted the 1st Annual F.O.C.U.S. Basketball Clinic. The goals of the clinic were to help our youth basketball players improve their athletic ability and allow them to develop team-building skills. The program was open to our members, 8 to 10 years of age, with 48 young athletes participating.

A student testing her skills as her peers cheer her on.

Head Coach Phillip Redd led the clinic. Each day he and his fellow coaches introduced a new term, setting the theme for that day’s lesson.

“F” focuses on “Fundamentals” – an important element to basketball. “O“ focuses on “Opportunity” – playing any sport with a team is a very unique opportunity. “C“ focuses on “Character” – building character on and off the court/field. “U“ focuses on “Unity” – an important component of team building and team work. “S“ focuses on “Sportsmanship” – the one thing you have complete control over when participating in sports.

The clinic was a great success and the youth involved will be able to build on the skills they developed this new year.

Coach Phillip Redd guides our students through their basketball clinic practice.

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