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1st Annual F.O.C.U.S. ESPY Awards


On December 11, our most accomplished and dedicated young athletes were honored during the first annual F.O.C.U.S. ESPY Awards Ceremony. Awards were handed out to our elementary, middle and high school students for categories like most impressive play, sportsmanship and performance as a student athlete. We also recognized our volunteers and staff with awards for volunteer and coach of the year.

The lifetime achievement award was given to former head coach, Adrian “AJ” Johnson. He coached and mentored many of our athletic staff when they were Club members, including Athletics Director Phillip Redd and Head Coaches Philip Jones and Thomas McKenzie, and had a profound affect on countless others.

Kory Minor, former All-American football linebacker, returned to our San Pedro Club for the awards ceremony to give the keynote address during the ceremony. He recounted seeing a Univeristy of Notre Dame game on TV at age 6, but when he announced he wanted to play for that team his mother told him she couldn’t afford to send him to college. Kory’s commitment to his dream eventually earned him a scholarship to Notre Dame where he was a four-year star on defense and team captain. He encouraged our youth to start dreaming big and make plans for the future now because years of hard work pays off.

Former Coach Adrian “AJ” Johnson receiving the lifetime achievement award from Athletic Director Phillip Redd.

Kory Minor delivering the keynote speech.

All of our F.O.C.U.S. ESPY Award winners and nominees with their coaches.

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