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Meet Our Youth of the Year 2017 Candidates – Cynthia Perez of our Wilmington Club


“No matter where a person is in life the club is an opportunity to do better and be better.”

Cynthia Perez has been a member of the Wilmington Boys & Girls Club since 2006. She believes that “No matter where a person is in life the club is an opportunity to do better and be better.” Cynthia wants “American Youth to be able to have that extra support, and opportunities that will help them pass those worldwide youth problems that youth face everywhere” and is achieving her vision through her participation in academics and within her community.

Cynthia is a senior at Port of Los Angeles High School and currently takes classes at Harbor College to further her career goal of becoming a neonatal nurse. She has been a Dean’s List and Honor Roll recipient, while participating in JV Cheer and achieving her Teen Community Emergency Response Team certificate.

In addition to academic achievements, Cynthia is incredibly active at the Wilmington Club. She is the Vice President of Keystone Leadership Program, participates in College Bound Workshops, a member of Chicas in Action, a Jr. Staff member and has been a Member of the Month through both the Boys & Girls Club Teen Site as well as through College Bound. Cynthia has also been recognized for her Fantastic Achievement and Service to the Community in 2015 by the California Legislature Assembly. She “visions all kids to be club kids. To be able experience and grow up on the club that helps them in so many ways possible.”

Cynthia is working towards becoming a Neonatal Nurse and is currently taking classes to achieve her Skills Certificate in Health Care Occupation.

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