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Boeing Employees Give to the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor College Bound Program


The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor is pleased to announce the Employees Community Fund of Boeing California (“ECF CA”) has awarded the Clubs a $5000 grant. The ECF CA funds, which are 100% Boeing employee donations to the ECF CA, will be utilized for its College Bound program.

College Bound has increased the graduation rate of Club members from less than 50% in 2002 to an average of 94% over the last five years. College Bound introduces and exposes youth (4th to 12th grade) to the idea of college and prepares them for a successful experience. College Bound served 1,404 students (4th to 12th grade) in the 2011-2012 school year. There 318 were seniors in the program, 96% graduated. Of these graduates, 294 (96%) are going to a 4-year university or 2-year college.

The comprehensive program combines intensive academic case management with academic support, workshops to increase knowledge, skills building and test preparation activities, access to a plethora of resources, and college exposure. College Bound assists youth at each stage of their academic development with grade and age-appropriate activities, resources, and support. The most important thing we instill and develop is the belief that college is attainable. CollegeBound enables youth to set goals and provides them with the support, tools, and resources to achieve them.

College Bound’s intensive and comprehensive one-on-one academic case management provides the guidance, support, and encouragement youth need to achieve success in school and attain their educational goals. All youth in College Bound receive academic case management. The intensity and frequency of case management sessions increase with each grade.

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