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Reader’s Theater is universally recognized as a valuable tool to enhance reading, public speaking, comprehension, and analytical skills at all reading levels. Virtually any piece of literature can be adapted for the kids to read, analyze, and perform a literature based play in a limited time-period. Regardless of reading level and without fear of having to memorize lines, Reader’s Theater exposes children to books they might not otherwise read and encourage all children to enjoy reading and performing. It allows children to practice reading and help improve their student confidence. This also gives children an opportunity to provide entertainment.

Every Wednesday afternoon, the The National Charity League Peninsula Chapter Ticktockers Class of 2014 participates in Reader’s Theater with members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor. The NCL Peninsula Class has adopted the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of The Los Angeles Harbor for their volunteer work for the year. The ticktockers and their mothers work to prepare weekly scripts. Then the Ticktockers review the prepared story or book for the members and help them read the adapted script and help with staging and performance tips. They also, organize crafts and create props with the participants.

Sarah, one of the Ticktocker volunteers said, “I love Reader’s Theater! The kids are so excited to be there and want to participate. They are so polite as we read the story to them and they can’t wait to get a part in the play. Even the ones who cannot read throw their arms in the air to volunteer for a part, which shows me that they have confidence. It is a great program.”

After having spoke with a few of the Ticktockers they informed us “Helping at Reader’s Theater has been a rewarding and fun experience. I enjoy working with all the children who are so sweet and want to learn. They seem to love having us (Ticktockers) around too!” said Kaitlin.

Mady another Reader Theater volunteer stated, “Reader’s Theater has been one of my favorite philanthropies. I can see the children learning and improving their reading skills right before my eyes and it is amazing to see my volunteering in the community to pay off so quickly.”

We are extremely grateful for our partnership with the Ticktockers and the positive impact they are having with our members. A number of parents have told us they have seen an improvement in the reading interests and skills in their children. One said “my son has never displayed an interest in books before and now he wants to read a book when he gets home.” Another participant was unable to read and therefore never demonstrated any interests in books until he became involved in Readers Theater.

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