Emergency Response Efforts
BGCLAH: COVID-19 Response Update
In an abundance of caution and following the decision by LAUSD, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor (BGCLAH) suspended all in-person programming on Monday, March 16 in response to the Coronavirus health crisis. Beginning Monday, July 6, the Club has reopened seven of our sites for Summer Camp. New safety measures have been put in place to ensure that all our members and staff are safe when they walk in through our Club sites. These include temperature checks for all members and staff before entering every site, requiring of masks at all times, frequent sanitizing of all high frequency touch areas, hand sanitizing/washing for all staff and members between program areas, individual supplies for every member and more. This year every member will receive an individualized backpack filled with academic supplies, notebooks, art supplies, and more to further keep our members safe.
Please continue to check our website and social media channels as the latest information is being updated.
"Grab & Go" Food Program
Stop by any of our 3 "Grab & Go" Food Distribution Sites
Monday- Friday from 10:00am-11:00am! A lunch and snack will be given to every child on a first come, first serve basis. Child does NOT need to present to receive food and all food must be eaten off-site.
Port of Los Angeles Boys & Girls Club: 100 W. 5th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
Wilmington Boys & Girls Club: 1444 W. Q Street, Wilmington, CA 90744
Cheryl Green Boys & Girls Club: 1435 Del Amo Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501
Virtual Programming
Access our in-person programming virtually! Contact your College Bound case manager or subscribe to our YouTube channel,
@bgclaharbor program, to access virtual programs in Arts, Athletics, Academics, Writer's Workshop, Keystone Leadership, Career Bound and College Bound! Be sure to follow us on instagram @bgclaharbor to keep up with the latest news!
Community Resources
Check out the following links to for more information regarding resources available to Los Angeles Harbor residents. The BGCLAH may not be affiliated with the resources listed below.
Access Free Educational Resources at home
Check out the following links to access free educational resources at home during the LAUSD closure.
Get Up latest info on the health epidemic
Click on the following links to get the most accurate information regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19.