Last night the Boys & Girls Club of San Pedro completed its second, jam packed, thanksgiving celebration. Tuesday night was set aside for teen and middle school members and their families. Last night was for elementary aged members and their families. Over 800 dinners were served.
Board member Mitch Harmatz helped with serving dinners at the Tuesday night celebration. Tamara Powers, another member of the board, was in the kitchen helping with food preparation and Board President, Yvonne Bogdanovich, was also in attendance.
Ladies from the Palos Verdes Chapter of the National Charity League were on hand to help serve. They were also responsible for supplying all the turkeys and hams for both dinners.
In this photo a Marymount College Student prepares a dinner for serving. More that 20 Marymount College student volunteered to help with the dinners.
240 Pumpkin pies were donated by Micheal Bonert.
Free family photos were donated by Kathleen & Isabel Bettencourt.
Live music was provided by the BGCLAH Staff Band.
A very special thank you to all the staff and volunteers that made these dinners possible. Without you we would not be able to put smiles on our members faces. Great job San Pedro! Now on to Wilmington for their dinner tonight!